Welcome to Ron's Training Hall. This site displays my training routine and any cool information and pics relating to the wonderful world of bodybuilding and endurance training.
In the training table below all reps/sets are first started with a warm-up up to the weight listed in the table. My goal is to get consistent with my program. I am using the Army testing methods for bodyfat. Using AR 600-9, a measuring tape, and a scale. The bodyfat estimator can be downloaded Here. The Army bodyfat test isn't the best way to measure bodyfat but I use it to measure progress. The best way to measure bodyfat is a pool. I lift weights but within the morngings and days in between I do cardio. It's very important not to leave out cardio, it allows me to recover from each workout and I make cardio as the lifting of the respiratory system. In fact, cardio is more important in truth than lifting but both are very important to do. So never leave out cardio. Cardio training if done properly can be very rewarding because running for long distances strengthens the heart and lungs.
Most times we may have two goals one being fat loss and also being in athletic shape, so what your workout is you can mix it up, The heart rate zones are designed to target the use of energy used. The higher heart rate zones target using your carbohydrates, while the lower zones target your fat burning stores. Both target both but some at higher r lower percentages. You can still go extreme for fat loss just understand that it's burning your carbohydrates more than fat.
My heart rate zones:
Max heart rate for a 39 year old 181 BPM; Z1-109-118 BPM       Z2-118-136 BPM,       Z3-136-149 BPM,       Z4-149-161 BPM,       Z5-161-171 BPM,       Z6-171-182 BPM. I set my heart rate monitor to 136-171 BPM for cardio endurance zone. Most times I average around 160 BPM when I"m doing cardio. Lifting I peak out around 165 BPM but during rest drop down to 130 BPM between sets.
CHEST AND BICEPS | Bench press (10 reps/5 sets of 70 Lbs DB) | Inclined Bench Press (10 reps/5 sets of 60 Lbs DB) | Flat Bench flies (10 reps/5 sets of 60 Lbs DB) | Preacher Arm Curls (10 reps/5 sets of 40 Lbs DB) | Preacher Hammer Curls (10 reps/5 sets of 30 Lbs DB) | Preacher Inverted Bar Curls(10 reps/5 sets of 60 Lbs) |
CARDIO | ||||||
SHOULDERS AND ABS | Military Dumbbell Press (10 reps/5 sets of 50 Lbs DB) | Reverse flies(10 reps/5 sets of 30 Lbs DB) | Shoulder Shrugs (10 reps/5 sets of 200 Lbs) | Sit-ups (BW 70,60,50,40,30 reps) | Flutter Kicks 4 count(BW 40,35,30,25,20 reps) | Scissor Kicks 4 count(BW 40,35,30,25,20 reps) |
CARDIO | ||||||
BACK AND TRICEPTS | Reverse grip pull-ups (BW 10,9,8,7,6 reps) | Dumbbell rows (Middle back) (10 reps/5 sets of 80 Lbs DB) | Bent Over Barbell Row (10 reps 5 sets of 115 Lbs) | Diamond Pushups (30,25,20,15,10 reps) | Bench Triceps extensions (10 reps/5 sets of 80 Lbs) | Dumbbell Triceps Isolation extensions (10 reps/5 sets of 15 Lbs) |
CARDIO | ||||||
LEGS | Barbell squat (10 reps/5 sets of 200 Lbs) | Lunges (10 reps/5 sets of 20 Lbs DB) | Stiff Leg Dead-lifts (hamstrings)(10 reps/5 sets of 50 Lbs DB) | Side Leg Raises (Adductors) (10 reps/5 sets of 10 Lbs ankle weights) | Side Leg Raises (Abductors) (10 reps/5 sets of 10 Lbs ankle weights) | Standing Calf Raises (10 reps/5 sets of 200 Lbs DB) |
1.5 min per exercise
1.5 min per exercise
Cardio: How Much Cardio Should I Do to Lose Body Fat | Calories burned calculator | Can You Burn Meaningful Calories Lifting Weights? |
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CHEST AND BICEPS | Bench press (10 reps of 205,225,245,225,205 Lbs) | Inclined Bench Press (10 reps of 115,135,155,135,115 Lbs) | Flat Bench flies (10 reps of 60,65,70,65,60 Lbs) | Preacher Arm Curls (10 reps of 40,45,50,45,40 Lbs) | Preacher Hammer Curls (10 reps of 35,40,45,40,35 Lbs) | Preacher Inverted Curls(10 reps of 35,40,45,40,35 Lbs) |
BACK AND TRICEPTS | Reverse grip pull-ups (BW 10,9,8,7,6 reps) | Dumbbell rows (Middle back) (10 reps of 70,75,80,75,70 Lbs) | Hyperextensions with 35 Lbs(Lower back)(BW 15,20,25,20,15 reps) | Diamond Pushups (40,35,30,25,20 reps) | Bench Triceps extensions (10 reps of 75,85,95,85,75 Lbs) | Standing Dips (BW 12,11,10,9,8 reps) |
SHOULDERS AND ABS | Military Dumbbell Press (10 reps of 50,55,60,55,50 Lbs) | Upright rows(10 reps of 85,95,105,95,85 Lbs) | Shoulder Shrugs (10 reps of 205,225,245,225,205 Lbs) | Sit-ups (BW 70,60,50,40,30 reps) | Flutter Kicks 4 count(BW 40,35,30,25,20 reps) | Scissor Kicks 4 count(BW 40,35,30,25,20 reps) |
LEGS | Leg Press (10 reps of 6PL+25,6PL+35, 7PL,6PL+35, 6PL+25 Lbs) | Leg extensions (10 reps of 225,235,245,235,225 Lbs) | Leg curls (10 reps of 120,130,140,130,120 Lbs) | Hip Adductors (10 reps of 170,180,190,180,170 Lbs) | Hip Abductors (10 reps of 150,160,170,160,150 Lbs) | Standing Calf Raises (10 reps of 205,225,245,225,205 Lbs) |