init_filter	macro

; This macro initializes the filter for sample processing.
; for left channel
; states_1 = Location of filter states in X memory
; coef_1 = Location of filter coefficients in Y memory
; ntaps_1 = Number of Taps

	move	#states_1,r1	;point to filter states
	move	#ntaps_1-1,m1	;mod(taps) defines array for circular
	move	#coef_1,r4	;point to filter coefficients
	move	#ntaps_1-1,m4	;mod(taps) defines array for circular

process_filter	macro

;This macro performs the convolutional algorithm 
;for Digital Filtering
;	Right Channel (Right Output Signal = Input Signal)

	move	x0,b

;	Left Channel (Left Output Signal = Output of FIR Filter)

	clr	a	x0,x:(r1)+	y:(r4)+,y0
	do	#ntaps_1-1,_end
	mac	x0,y0,a	x:(r1)+,x0	y:(r4)+,y0
_end	macr	x0,y0,a	(r1)-