poles of the z-transform
pk      real            imag            mag             phase
1       0.716754        0.586833        0.926342        39.308436
2       0.716754        -0.586833       0.926342        -39.308436
3       0.646801        0.372261        0.746277        29.922232
4       0.646801        -0.372261       0.746277        -29.922232
5       0.612159        0.000000        0.612159        0.000000
partial fraction coeffs
Ck      real            imag            mag             phase
1       1.611473        5.209672        5.453212        72.811944
2       1.611473        -5.209672       5.453212        -72.811943
3       -19.580860      -9.681908       21.843751       -153.689550
4       -19.580861      9.681908        21.843751       153.689551
5       40.356939       0.000000        40.356939       0.000000
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