The first number represents the number of Transfer Function Stages.
The first and second rows represent the Denominator and Numerator of the first Transfer Function.

partial fraction coeffs
Ck      real            imag            mag             phase
1       -0.257670       0.420615        0.493266        121.491776
2       -0.257670       -0.420615       0.493266        -121.491775
3       -1.759051       -3.764574       4.155271        -115.045006
4       -1.759051       3.764574        4.155271        115.045006
press enter to continue 
stage   Ni(z)
0       -0.515340       -0.780508
1       -3.518102       4.032367
2       0.000000        0.000000
stage   Di(z)
0       1.000000        0.052920        0.831730
1       1.000000        -0.304609       0.238865
2       0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
press enter to continue 

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